Jamie Hulse




Hello, my name is Jamie Hulse and I am so excited to be join the Kindergarten teaching team at San Clemente Christian! I have enjoyed working with kids since I was a young girl in both the ministry and school settings. I love that at SCCS I can combine both my passion for ministry and academics. I graduated from Cal State University Fullerton with a Bachelor’s of Science in Child and Adolescent Development and a multiple subject teaching credential. In my classroom, I want to provide my students with variety of instruction that can meet each of their unique learning needs. I also want to make learning a fun and hands-on experience as students are learning foundational skills. Beyond all of the wonderful learning that will take place during the year, my main goal and my privilege is to share and show the good news of Jesus and to help my students grow further into who God has created them to be. I am expecting the Lord to move in mighty ways this year in the lives of our SCCS families!